Over the Rainbow

Frederick AKA Fred AKA Mr. Bear, we had the best 8 years of your life. You almost made it to 13. You loved everyone and always wanted to be in the mix. You were my Velcro dog. My bud! When I moved you moved (just like that) You ate everything we gave you! Veggies and fruit were your favorite. You knew the moment that fridge opened, you high tailed to the kitchen asap. You really couldn’t catch the food when we threw it. But you tried every time. You were not always the brightest dog but damn you were handsome. So stubborn! So stubborn that even with your cancer diagnosis is January, you were determined to stick around. Only until a few weeks ago when your legs decided it was time. It was not easy making that choice. But you gave me a look and I knew it was it. They said you would let me know…. That you did! You made us one big family. Bud, you were one of a kind. The day GRRA ( Golden Retriever Rescue of Atlanta ) called me and told me they had a handsome 4 year old red male golden, I knew you were meant to be with us. We laughed we cried ( especially when you stepped on our foot, you were no small dog) we danced and we snuggled. You are no longer in pain! You are free! As much as this pain hurts, I know you lived one hell of a life bud. We spent the last few days giving you everything you could want! You were happy, you were ready. I miss you terribly! I will be ok Bud, the girls will be ok, Daddy will be ok, Roxy has us now! Run free Fred. We love you so so so much!